Batata Poha recipe Potato poha recipe Batata poha Poha is beaten rice or flattened rice. It is very popular breakfast recipe of India. Recipe is simple and healthy yet very yummy. Quick recipe and it doesn't need much ingredients. We can make it with easily available household ingredients . Children are also very fond of poha . It is a popular tiffin box or lunch box recipe . Cusine:Indian Dish: Breakfast Author:Seema Priyadarshani Prep time:10min Cook time:15min Total time:25min Ingredients :(1cup 250ml) 1and1/2cup Poha Two medium sized potato cut into pieces , Kanda(onion)two large size thinly sliced, 2 Green chilli vertically slit, 2. Red chilli (two pod) , 1tbs. ...
"Timeless Taste" Seema Priyadarshani blog